Join the Alliance

Our partners are critical to our efforts and make what we do possible. Businesses, nonprofits and other supporting organizations, and individuals who support our mission are encouraged to join. And it’s free! Partner benefits:

  • Joining a unified voice representing outdoor recreation in Connecticut.

  • Representation with decision-makers who impact Connecticut’s outdoor recreation economy.

  • Participation opportunities to advocate for outdoor recreation through lobbying and letters.

  • Connection to a community of outdoor recreation professionals.

2024 Legislative Agenda

Support $ for Recreational Trails

Demand for recreational trails is growing! In February the Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection's Recreational Trails Grant Program awarded $3 million for 20 projects to plan, build, or improve trails across the state. But a total of $22 million were requested, and the highly ranked proposals alone totaled over $7 million.

Connecticut House Bill 5291 proposes authorizing this grant program for up to $6 million in future years. This would help ensure more funds are available to address the large, ongoing needs for bikeways, greenways, and other recreational trail infrastructure in Connecticut. These trails provide recreation opportunities of course, but also can support nearby businesses, public health, and conservation. Though the public hearing has passed, there’s still time to contact your State Senator and Representative. See our earlier action alert email for details.

Use ARPA $ for Outdoor Recreation

The Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Program of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) provides $1.56 billion to help Connecticut municipalities backfill lost tax revenue and support new community investments. Though they have until the end of 2024, most municipal leaders are discussing how to prioritize these funds now. So ask your local officials to dedicate a portion to conserving lands and waterways that support outdoor recreation in your community:

  • Investing in public greenspaces in communities disproportionately impacted by the pandemic can promote outdoor recreation that helps mitigate COVID-19's spread.

  • Funding can respond to the increased maintenance needs that have resulted from the increased use of parks, trails, etc. during the pandemic.

Volunteer for a Working Group

Help expand our efforts by joining one of our working groups. Please email the chairpersons to learn how you or a member of your team might contribute!

  • Protection & Advocacy: Recommend how to help the State promote and support outdoor recreation businesses and protect outdoor recreation spaces for everyone.

  • Engagement & Education: Recruit outdoor recreation businesses and partners, and recommend how to support one another’s efforts.

  • Communications & Development: Develop email, web, and social tools to foster networking and provide updates.